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I met a man who wanted to lead.

He talked and talked.

My ears did bleed.

I met a woman who wanted to serve.

Her actions spoke.

I followed her.

 What its all About

When it is all said and done, the single most important quality for owners and staff in any given enterprise is leadership. A good leader knows when to actively lead, when to passively lead, and when to follow. This is the paradox of effective leadership and our egos betray us as we resist this important truth.

When most of us think of leadership, what comes to mind is what we see in the media, someone in charge of a company, country, or political office. In general, we see people at the top. They dictate what needs to get done and their underlings execute those commands. The result is we get a very narrow view of what it takes to be leader. Sadly, the aspect we most see on display when it comes to leadership, is that of abuse of power, violation of public trust, or some other scandal by those in “leadership positions.”

What we miss from this lopsided exposure to leadership in the media is the fact that leadership is not about power, it’s about service. Truth of the matter is the potential and capacity for effective leadership resides in all of us. We are often called into leadership roles without even realizing we are acting as such.

If your role is to lead a company, a team, small business, or institutional enterprise, your people are your biggest resource. That’s how things get done. If you want no nonsense, great marketing assistance to help reach a specific outcome, contact me for a free consultation.


Diogenes Ruiz

Call Ruiz at 919-412-8224

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